Born in Winnipeg MB, to parents of Mennonite and Polish descent, Bryce currently lives and works in Moh’kinstsis, Treaty 7 territory or Calgary, AB.

At first studying to become a chef, then changing course to journalism, Bryce found his way to photography as medium of expression and spent 10 years making images for national magazines and news outlets. The experience of producing images for assignment work led him to focus on what was happening behind the story, specifically what was excluded from the frame. A love of discarded scenes and over looked materials are interwoven with themes of humour and being able to laugh in the face of personal misfortune. Bryces work makes use of photography, video, new/archival/found images, digital manipulation, historical food narratives, found objects, and a desire to see in new ways, with a goal of establishing new narratives out of this process. Bryce’s work has been published and shown internationally, and is part of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and Bow Valley College collections.